
If you or your friends are under 18, and are experiencing any of the situations described above

If you or your friends are under 18, and are experiencing any of the situations described above, please seek help through the following ways:

1. Call Keelung City Police Bureau at 02-2427-1857.

2. Dial the 113 hotline and ask for Keelung City Police Bureau’s police officers’ help.

3. Go to Keelung City Police Bureau and ask for help (Address: No. 205, Xin 2nd Rd., Xinyi Dist., Keelung City)

If you are experiencing any of the situations described above, we can provide protection and shelter, and assist you to apply for a Temporary Entry Permit (for Foreigners).

If you do not speak Chinese, we can arrange an interpreter to help you.

  • 發布日期:2023/11/01
  • 發布單位:安樂戶政事務所
  • 最後更新時間: 2024/02/21
  • 點閱次數:39